Prepare for a virtual session


I use to conduct virtual sessions.

This is a HIPPA compliant space, meaning the site takes stringent precautions to protect your data and privacy.

To conduct a session, you need a phone or computer with reasonably fast internet access. We can have a preliminary five minute session to confirm the connection is fast enough.

Guideline :

In preparation for each of our online meetings, I recommend you follow the below instructions:

1. Take a break from whatever you’re doing at least 15 minutes before we start the session.

2. If you are able to walk around your block, please do so (as if you are walking to my office).

3. If not walking is not available, make yourself a cup of coffee/tea or another comforting drink, and enjoy it for the 15 minutes leading up to our session, and only allow your mind to wonder. Please don’t use this time to check your phone or computer.

4. A minute or two before our scheduled time, log in, and we will start the session.